Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Empty Nest? Choose To Make It A New Start

After your kids leave the nest, a lot of people start thinking that their nest is too big. While a large home in a great school district makes sense for people with a house full of teenagers, it doesn't make sense for one or two people living on their own. With the money an average retiree spends on house maintenance and utilities, he or she could probably buy several nice vacations a year.

Transitioning from a single family home to a condo, however, can seem like such a large change in lifestyle that many people don't even consider it. While it is a big adjustment, it is one that comes with a lot of advantages. By buying a condo, you'll gain a well-maintained pool, no yard work, beautiful views of the beach, and lower bills.

To make sure the move goes smoothly, try these tips:

  1. Sell or give away possessions that you don't need anymore. There's no reason to hold onto lawnmowers, garden tools, or anything you currently use to take care of a pool. If you have a maintenance agreement that covers the interior of your condo, you might also want to get rid of any large tools.

  2. Think about how you want to furnish new spaces that you didn't have in your old home. For example, think about the balcony. Take some time to look into outdoor furniture for this area. While these areas are more protected than a home patio or deck, they can still be exposed to sunlight and rain. Because of this, it makes sense to choose furniture that is designed for outdoor spaces. While you're shopping for furniture, think about replacing any large pieces in your current home with smaller ones.

  3. Don't be afraid to get rid of a lot of stuff. Condo units rarely come with a lot of extra storage space. Sell or give away anything that you haven't used in at least a year. If you still have too much stuff after this purge, think about what you really need to live with. If there are items you just have to hold on to, ask about renting or buying a garage or storage space in your condo building.

  4. Take time to think about décor. A condo that has too much clutter or uses a lot of dark colors can seem cramped and small. Keep large furniture and heavy decorations away from your windows and glass doors in order to let the sunlight and beautiful views in.
Finally, remember that moving to a new condo can be a major lifestyle change, but many new condo owners are surprised at how much their daily lives stay the same. Make sure to hold on to the things you love, but use the move as an opportunity to get rid of things you don't want or need.

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