Whenever we take any food or nourishing liquids, our body digests
and absorbs the simple but essential minerals, vitamins, fats,
proteins, carbohydrates, fats and water from these food or nourishing
liquids and converts it into the bloodstream and energy that help our
body to grow and keep it healthy.
The nutrition value is more
important for any individual's health. The food or liquids whenever we
take it affect our body and health as well both. So it is very important
that we should be more aware of the foods or liquids whatever we take
in our daily life. A large number of diseases occur only due to wrong
diet. Some certain diet may itself cause some disease or alter the
course of a known disorder such as diabetes, heart or kidney disease.
Why Nutrition is important for us?
we know that food and water is necessary to build up our body and keep
it healthy. Every good food and liquid contains some important nutrition
like proteins, carbohydrate, fats, some vitamins, minerals and water.
These all play different role to keep our body healthy and build new
cells in our body.
These are the important nutrition and their role in our body:
helps our body to build muscles and strong immune system. Basically
proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are 22
different types of amino acid and our body needs all these amino acid to
function properly. Protein is abundant type of nutrient in our body
that builds new tissues and repairs all damaged cells in our body. It
also helps in formation of hormones and enzymes which play variety of
roles in our body such as metabolism and sexual development. There are
many types of protein that play different types of important role in our
body. For example collagen is a protein and it gives the strength,
elasticity and composition of our hair and skin. Some of the good
protein sources are lentils, low-fat dairy products, tofu, nuts, seeds,
peas, tempeh. Some common foods such as whole grain bread, potatoes,
corn and pasta also have protein. Soy protein is the most essential and
strong protein and it is equal to any animal origin protein.
give us energy. This is an ideal source of energy for the body because
carbohydrates converted more readily into glucose. It helps our body to
supply the energy for the formation of cellular constituent.
Carbohydrates are made up of three compounds Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
formed by plants. There are four types of carbohydrates are important -
Sugar, Starches, Fiber and Gums. If carbohydrates taken regularly it
doesn't cause any weight gain, unless like other food group.
There are
two types of carbohydrates - Complex and Simple. Efficiency of
carbohydrates can cause the production of ketones in the body, it can
results into a condition known as ketosis. Examples of
carbohydrates are breads, potatoes, pasta, soda, chips, candies/sweets,
cookies/biscuits, puddings, cakes, sugar, bananas etc.
provides us extra energy. It is a nutrient and a particular amount of
fat is necessary for our body. It doesn't always make us fat. It play
role to insulate our bodies by giving us protection from sudden changes
in temperature and also protects our vital organs. Fats consists of a
wide group of compounds are soluble in organic solvents and insoluble in
water. Fats provide 9 calories per gram. When dietary fat is digested,
fatty acids are produced. It is also important for healthy skin and
blood pressure regulation.
There are two types of fats Saturated
(solid at room temperature) and Unsaturated (liquid at room
temperature). To obtain an adequate amount of linoleic acid, one of the
few fatty acids the body cannot produce on itself. Any adult needs one
tablespoon of unsaturated fat daily. Saturated fats mainly occur in
dairy products like butter, cream, cheese and some chocolates. The
source of unsaturated fats are soybean, sunflower and corn oils.
vitamin is an organic compound, it regulate our body processes and
plays an important role to make our body function properly. The term
vitamin was derived from 'vitamine', a combination word from Vital and
Amine. Today a chemical compound is called a vitamin. Our body needs
vitamins as substances to grow and develop normally. There are 13
vitamins necessary for our body. Some of them are A, B, C, D, E, K,
vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. In our daily life we get all most all
these vitamins form foods whatever we take. Our body can also produce
vitamins D and K.
Each vitamin plays specific jobs. Any particular
low levels of vitamins cause deficiency disease. For example, if we
don't get enough vitamin D it can cause rickets. Deficiency of vitamin
'A' can cause Night Blindness.
If we eat a balanced diet we get
enough essential vitamin automatically form our daily food or liquid. We
don't even need to take any particular vitamin separately. Only in some
cases we need to take a daily multivitamin for optimal health.
regulate our body processes and also make body tissues. Minerals make
our body work properly same as vitamin play the role but it doesn't
prevent weight loss. Although we get it form our daily foods, so we
don't need to take it separately. Minerals boost our immune system. Some
important minerals are Chloride, Calcium, Copper, Chromium, Fluoride,
Iron and Iodine. These types of minerals can be found from our daily
food or liquid supplement like salt, soy sauce, milk, vegetable oils,
whole grains, cheese, nuts etc
Water gives cells shape and acts as
a medium where body processes can occur. It is the well known yet most
important nutrient our body needs. It is also the most abundant type of
liquid found in our body contributing 70% of our total mass. It helps to
dissolve and carry the essential nutrients to all parts of the body. It
is also needed to help maintain the body temperature and aids to carry
away the body's waste products.
human body there are 70% of total mass is covered by water. Water gives
cells shape and acts as a medium where body processes can occur. It is
very necessary nutrient than available all nutrients. It is also the
most abundant type of liquid found in human body. Water help maintain
the body temperature and aids to carry away the body's waste products.
see that nutrition plays a very important role in our lives, each food
and liquid contains its own nutrition value which is very necessary in
our life. It could help to extend or decrease our life span as well as
define our degree or livelihood. It helps in our mental and physical
development as well. We must should aware about the food and liquid what
we take regularly. Popper food in our daily life leads to a lifetime
habit toward a healthy extended life.