Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Top 5 Home Design Trends for 2014 - Part 1

Each year, the housing industry is showered by new trends in terms of design and styling. The year 2014 is no different with predictions coming from various experts and professionals. But how varied will this year be? It all depends in the trends that will surface one after another. Here are the top 5 home design trends to watch and follow this year.

Use of neutral base colors
Neutral base colors will be at the forefront of many home improvement endeavors. The ease of matching them with other colors, prints, and patterns make them fantastic options. For instance, sofa sets with neutral base colors will complement throw pillows with prints and patterns. Mixing and matching neutral colors with accents are also best options if you want to achieve varied styling looks in your room without spending too much.

Is your home composed of neutral colors?

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8245091

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