Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Home Considerations - Part 1

If you are looking for a different place to live, you might consider older houses as well as new homes. There are pros and cons to both options. One that is freshly built obviously has many positives to it. The main negative is probably that it will cost more than one that was built a few years ago. If you lean toward one that is fresh, then you will need to consider several items. Look at the cost, contractor, and the warranties.

The cost of new homes will be more than older ones, but you have to look at what you are getting for the money. A fresh build will have no issues, whereas with an older house, there are so many things that can creep up right away. If you feel like you can afford to go in this direction, then you will need to be sure and get the financing that will work for you.

The contractor is another consideration. He or she is actually paramount to your project. New homes are built by a number of people, but the contractor is the one who holds it together. It is important to have one who will hire only quality help at prices that you can afford. You probably have a vision of what you want the outcome to be. Make sure that you hire a contractor who has that vision and is willing to make sure that those working with him or her also share your vision. It is important that the contractor you choose has a good reputation and can show proof of some of his or her work.

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